The Constitutionalist

#8 - Lincoln's Lyceum Address

Episode Summary

On the Eighth episode of The Constitutionalist, Shane Leary and Dr. Benjamin Kleinerman discuss Lincoln's speech, "The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions: Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois," more commonly referred to as the Lyceum Address. Delivered by a young Lincoln of only 28 years of age, this speech is as helpful for our present political condition as it was in his time. In the course of the conversation, our co-hosts discuss mobocracy, the rule of law, and ambition, among other topics. For a copy of the Lyceum Address, click here: To subscribe to weekly episodes delivered straight to your inbox, click here: The Constitutionalist is a podcast cohosted by Professor Benjamin Kleinerman, the RW Morrison Professor of Political Science at Baylor University and Founder and Editor of The Constitutionalist Blog, and his student, Shane Leary. Each week, they discuss political news in light of its constitutional implications, and explore a unique constitutional topic, ranging from the thoughts and experiences of America's founders and statesmen, historical episodes, and the broader philosophic ideas that influence the American experiment in government.